Cameras capture lots of footage.

24 hours, every day. Too much to review,
and most of it just to be discarded.

Cameras capture
lots of footage.

24 hours, every day.
Too much to review, and most of it just to be discarded.

  • Which parking spaces tend to get used first?

  • When did vessel IMO9970856 enter the port?

  • Notify me about any obstructions in this area.

  • Did anything suspicious happen over night?

WorkLens transforms any camera from capturing just footage to capturing insights that matter to you.

WorkLens transforms any camera from capturing just footage to capturing insights that matter to you.


Integrates with your cameras.

We are building WorkLens from the ground up to work with lots of popular camera models.


Capture truly custom insights.

A combination of custom UI and dialogue will allow you to truly craft your camera's AI to your needs. Just describe what you need or mark up images to create custom automations.


Proactive notifications, in any tool.

WorkLens can notify about emerging patterns or ongoing situations via email, Slack, Microsoft Teams, or push notifications straight to your phone.

We are currently building our first prototype to be tested with early customers in Q1, 2024. If you're interested in being an early tester, please reach out.

©️2024, WorkLens